Cwmbran: Placemaking Plan
This survey closed 9/12/24. Regenerating Cwmbran Town Centre
People who live and work in Cwmbran are encouraged to take the opportunity to have their say on an ambitious and exciting Placemaking Plan for Cwmbran Town Centre.
What is the Placemaking Plan?
The Placemaking Plan is aimed at improving and shaping the future of the town centre, making it a better place to live, work and invest in.
The Placemaking Plan aims to provide the council and its partners with an investment plan that guides the redevelopment of the town centre with the aim of making it more successful, resilient and able to meet the current and future needs of the community and businesses.
Visionary in its approach, supported by strategic objectives that seek to deliver tangible change, the plan addresses key challenges and sets investment aspirations over the next 10 years, up to 2034. The plan includes a mixture of project proposals that range from pre-development activity through to oven ready projects that can be progressed over the short, medium and long term in partnership with the public, private and third sectors.
Consultation deadline
The consultation closes at 5pm on Monday 9 December 2024.
How to have your say and share your ideas
To get involved read the consultation documents and take part in the survey below.
We also want to hear if there is anything we have missed. To share these ideas with us use the 'Ideas board' below.
Face-to-face drop in sessions
Come and find out more and have your say at the following drop-in sessions:
Wednesday 27 November at Gwent Square, Cwmbran - 11am until 6:30pm
Thursday 28 November at Cwmbran Library - 11am until 6:30pm
If you would like to discuss this project in Welsh at one of the face-to-face events please let us know no later than three days before the event you wish you attend – email us details of which event you will be attending to:
There’ll be a display up for the duration of the consultation in Cwmbran Library during normal opening hours.
There will also be a reference copy of the full document, bi-lingual summaries and bi-lingual hard copy survey forms in the library and at Civic Centre reception during normal opening hours until noon 4 December 2024.
What happens next?
After the consultation ends the council's Regeneration Team will analyse responses and comments, then consider their impact on the Placemaking Plan.
Responses and individual comments will form part of a report which will be presented to full Council in January 2025.
Os hoffech chi gymryd rhan yn yr arolwg hwn yn Gymraeg cliciwch yma