Public access toilets consultation - Businesses, organisations & community facilities

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This short survey is specifically for businesses, organisations & community facilities who have toilets. Please respond even if your toilets are meant for customers or service users only, as we would like to understand any barriers to allowing public access to your toilets.

The availability of suitable toilet facilities is vital to many residents and visitors to Torfaen and an important public health consideration.

To help Torfaen Council fully understand publicly accessible toilet provision across the borough, we would like to know whether the toilet facilities you offer in your building(s) can be accessed by the public.

Public access toilets are those that anyone out and about can use without necessarily being a customer of a business. The term does not include toilets specifically designated 'customer toilets', or if the business/building owner or manager doesn't welcome people popping in to use the toilet without spending money during that visit.

Your feedback will help us update the Local Toilets Strategy for Torfaen and hopefully lead to sufficient access for people to feel confident that the infrastructure exists for them to be able to shop, socialise and access services without worrying about the availability of suitable toilet and/or changing facilities.

The most recent list of public access toilets - requiring review - can be found on the Torfaen Council website. All businesses and organisations listed stated to Council officers in 2018-19 that they were happy for people to pop in to use the toilet.

For this survey:

  • publicly accessible toilets may include changing facilities for babies and facilities for people with disabilities, including Changing Places Toilets.
  • toilets can be located in private buildings/businesses, within public buildings such as libraries and community centres, shopping centres, garages, parks as well as other public toilets which the council maintain.

What Happens Next?

The responses to this survey will be used to review the Local Toilets Strategy that is a statutory requirement of the Local Authority. Your responses will allow us to assess provision, update public information and allow Elected Members to consider any scope for increasing access to toilets.

This short survey is specifically for businesses, organisations & community facilities who have toilets. Please respond even if your toilets are meant for customers or service users only, as we would like to understand any barriers to allowing public access to your toilets.

The availability of suitable toilet facilities is vital to many residents and visitors to Torfaen and an important public health consideration.

To help Torfaen Council fully understand publicly accessible toilet provision across the borough, we would like to know whether the toilet facilities you offer in your building(s) can be accessed by the public.

Public access toilets are those that anyone out and about can use without necessarily being a customer of a business. The term does not include toilets specifically designated 'customer toilets', or if the business/building owner or manager doesn't welcome people popping in to use the toilet without spending money during that visit.

Your feedback will help us update the Local Toilets Strategy for Torfaen and hopefully lead to sufficient access for people to feel confident that the infrastructure exists for them to be able to shop, socialise and access services without worrying about the availability of suitable toilet and/or changing facilities.

The most recent list of public access toilets - requiring review - can be found on the Torfaen Council website. All businesses and organisations listed stated to Council officers in 2018-19 that they were happy for people to pop in to use the toilet.

For this survey:

  • publicly accessible toilets may include changing facilities for babies and facilities for people with disabilities, including Changing Places Toilets.
  • toilets can be located in private buildings/businesses, within public buildings such as libraries and community centres, shopping centres, garages, parks as well as other public toilets which the council maintain.

What Happens Next?

The responses to this survey will be used to review the Local Toilets Strategy that is a statutory requirement of the Local Authority. Your responses will allow us to assess provision, update public information and allow Elected Members to consider any scope for increasing access to toilets.

  • Take Survey
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Page last updated: 28 May 2024, 03:31 PM