Please tell us how old you are
How often do you hang out with friends outdoors, in the community?
Where do young people hang out in your community? Tick all that you agree with.
Have you ever been told off or asked to move on when you've been hanging out with friends outdoors?
Do any of these things worry you when you're outdoor or travelling around your area? Tick all those that you are worried about.
Do you belong to any of these clubs or groups? Tick all that you belong to.
Do you think there's something missing in the groups and clubs on offer? If so, what would you like to see (could be a certain sport or activity, for example)
Do you think there's something that makes it hard for you to be a part of a group, club or activity? Such as it being difficult to get there, nothing you want to do, too expensive, etc?
Where do you find out about activities and groups?
What do you think about the parks and play areas in your area?
Please tell us more about what makes you feel that the parks and play areas in your community either good or bad.
How do you get about? Tick all those you use.
What town do you live in or near?
Please write any comments you have about what play, sport or other recreation activities or places you feel strongly about here.